Statut biogéographique : Thellung (1912: 196) proposed the subspecies rank under Chenopodium glaucum for C. ambiguum and applied the name to plants introduced in Montpellier, France. Aellen (1929, 1960–1961) cited the authorship of the combination C. glaucum subsp. ambiguum as “(R. Br.) Thellung et Aellen” [not as “(R. Br.) Murr & Thellung”] because he concluded that Thellung (1912: 196) misapplied that name to the introduced plants, which actually belonged to C. macrospermum (now accepted as Oxybasis macrosperma). However, according to Art. 7.3 of the ICN (McNeill et al. 2012), a nomenclatural combination is typified by the type of its basionym even though it may have been applied erroneously to a taxon now considered not to include that type, and because of that the authorship of the subspecies-rank combination should be attributed to Murr & Thellung, despite the initial misapplication of the name by Thellung. The occurrence of this Australasian taxon in Europe as a rare wool alien (see Aellen 1960–1961: 613) needs confirmation.
Références :
Mosyakin & Lange (2018)