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Chenopodium sect. Pseudoblitum Hook.f., 1880 [nom. illeg. hom.]

accepté comme Oxybasis sect. Pseudoblitum (Mosyakin) Mosyakin, 2013


Nomenclature : Nom. illeg. hom versus Chenopodium sect. Pseudoblitum Syme, 1868
Nomenclature : It seems that Hooker (l.c.) was the first author who validly described the sectional name, without any reference to Grenier and Godron or other authors, and explicitly applied it to the group containing Chenopodium rubrum , C. glaucum, and C. antarcticum (Hook f.) Hook. f. ( Blitum antarcticum Hook. f.).
     Références : Mosyakin (2013)


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