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Amorea Delile, 1844 [nom. illeg. superfl.]

accepté comme Dysphania sect. Cycloloma (Moq.) Mosyakin, 2021


Nomenclature : Peut-être à considérer comme une erreur ou variante orthographique pour Amoreuxia Moq. ou un nom de remplacement pour Amoreuxia Moq. [nom. illeg. hom.] dans ce cas est un nom.illeg. superfl. versus Cycloloma Moq., 1840
Nomenclature : The generic name Amorea was attributed by Delile (1844: 1) to Moquin-Tandon; however, Moquin-Tandon (1849) did not recognize his authorship of that name and instead attributed it to Delile only. Delile (1844) did not provide any description of the genus Amorea but his citation of "Amorea platyphylla Moquin" can be interpreted as indirect reference (Art. 38.14 and 41.3 of the ICN: Turland et al., 2018) to the name Cyclolepis platyphylla (Michx.) Moq. and MoquinTandon's description of Cyclolepis.
     Références : Mosyakin (2021)


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