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Calathea polytricha Baker, 1894

accepté comme Goeppertia polytricha (Baker) Saka, 2015


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 16: 467. 1894 [20/10/1894, fide p. 467].
Description originale : Calathea polytricha, Baker, n. sp.*
This fine new Scitamineous plant belongs to the group of Calatheas in which the flowers form a sessile tuft in the centre of the rosette of leaves. Its nearest ally is C. flavescens, Lind. Bot. Reg., t. 932 (Phryium grandiflorum, Roscoe), from which it may be distinguished at a glance by the very hairy leaves and bracts.
It is a native of the island of Trinidad. We have a dried specimen in the Kew herbarium, collected in cultivators. It would be worth trying what is the quality of the farina which the tubers yield.
Acaulescent. Root-fibres slender, bearing globose tubers as large as a small Potato. Produced leaves about four in a tuft, erect ; petiole 5 to 6 inches long, winged on the edges, densely clothed with spreading hairs, blade oblong acute, 6 to 9 inches long, hairy on both sides, plain green above, much paler beneath. Flowers many in a rosette, which is sessile in the centre of the tuft of leaves; bracts multifarious, acute, oblong, very hairy, 1 to 11/2 inch long ; calyx cylindrical, white, membranous, lobes linear ; corolla-tube white, cylindrical, longer than the calyx, lobes lanceolate, erecto-patent 1 inch long. staminodia obovate, emarginate, lemon-yellow, rather longer than the corolla- lobes ; style half as long as the corolla-lobes, J. G. Baker.


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