Taxonomie : "The
only entity that is congruently
identified by different data types and thus merits taxonomic recognition
is V. chamaedrys subsp. chamaedryoides from the southern Balkan
Peninsula. It is mainly (but not exclusively, see Fig. 3) diploid and
its genetic distinctness was confirmed by both the AFLP and the cpDNA
data sets (Figs. 2, 3, 5). Although subsp. chamaedryoides is only weakly
separated in the PCoA plot of the morphometric
data (Fig. 6), the Southern Group is relatively well separated from
Eastern and Western Groups in the discriminant analysis (Appendix 5).
Using only slightly overlapping characters (Appendix 6), subsp.
chamaedryoides can thus be separated from the other taxa. Specifically,
indumentum characters as well as the shape of the teeth and the lamina
can be used to distinguish subsp. chamaedryoides (Appendix 6). The
identifiability of this taxon is evidenced by the fact that about 80% of
the voucher specimens have been correctly identified in the initial
phase of our study."
Références :
Bardy et al. (2010)