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Ragala Pierre, 1891


Source de la synonymie
Pennington, T. D. 1990. Sapotaceae. Flora Neotropica Monograph, 52: 1-770. [CD_REF = 1015906] Chrysophyllum sect. Ragala (Pierre) T.D.Penn., 1990
Date de publication : Not. Bot., 2: 5760. 1891 [05/01/1891, fide TL-2, 7923a].
Taxonomie : D'après Swenson et al. (2023): "Four to six species centred in the Amazon basin, but extending to the coastal areas of the Guianas."
Type : Ragala sanguinolenta Pierre 1891 [≡ Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum (Pierre) Baehni 1965] (Guyane française, Maroni, Mélinon).


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