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Raesaenenia huuskonenii (Räsänen) D.Hawksw., Boluda & H.Lindgr., 2015

accepté comme Protousnea huuskonenii (Räsänen) Divakar, A.Crespo & Lumbsch, 2017


Source de la nouvelle combinaison
Divakar, P., Crespo, A., Wedin, M., Leavitt, S., Hawksworth, D., Myllys, L., Mccune, B., Randlane, T., Bjerke, J., Ohmura, Y., Schmitt, I., Boluda, C., Alors, D., Roca‐valiente, B., Del‐prado, R., Ruibal, C., Buaruang, K., Núñez‐zapata, J., Amo de paz, G., Rico, V., Molina, M., Elix, J., Esslinger, T., Tronstad, I., Lindgren, H., Ertz, D., Gueidan, C., Saag, L., Mark, K., Singh, G., Dal grande, F., Parnmen, S., Beck, A., Benatti, M., Blanchon, D., Candan, M., Clerc, P., Goward, T., Grube, M., Hodkinson, B., Hur, J., Kantvilas, G., Kirika, P., Lendemer, J., Mattsson, J., Messuti, M., Miadlikowska, J., Nelsen, M., Ohlson, J., Pérez‐ortega, S., Saag, A., Sipman, H., Sohrabi, M., Thell, A., Thor, G., Truong, C., Yahr, R., Upreti, D., Cubas, P. & Lumbsch, H. 2015. Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen‐forming fungi. New Phytologist, 208(4): 1217-1226. : 1221


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