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Ipecacuanha Arruda, 1816

accepté comme Carapichea Aubl., 1775


Date de publication : in Koster, Trav. Brazil 497. 1816 [fide TL-2, 3884].
Validité : D'après C.M. Taylor & J. P. [01/2013, in Tropicos]: "This name has been widely attributed to Arruda, Diss. Pl. Brazil 44, 1810; in this work it was cited in the second part or volume, which has been lost. The contents of this volume are known only in the translation by Koster, as Trav. Brazil. Here Koster attributes the names and their descriptions to Arruda. Ipecacuanha is here compared to several other genera, but no previously published name is given for its identity and no descriptive information is given except that the plant is cultivated. This name has been cited as nom. superfl. illeg., but this is not correct because no previously published name was included in synonymy. With no descriptive information, this must be considered an invalid nom. nud."
D'après IPNI: "In his treatment of Cephaëlis ipecacuanha, St.-Hil. [Hist. Pl. Remarq. Bresil, (2): t. 6. 12/06/1824, fide TL-2, 10033] erred in citing ‘Ipecacuanha officinalis, Arud. Disc. p. 44’ as synonym. On p. 44, Arruda treated Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda"


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