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Cassia uniflora Spreng., 1820 [nom. illeg. hom.], non Mill. 1768

accepté comme Chamaecrista ramosa var. erythrocalyx (Mart. ex Benth.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, 1982


Date de publication : Neue Entdeck., 1: 291-292. 1820 [01-05/1820, fide TL-2, 12695]. Voir aussi Spreng., Syst. Veg. [Sprengel], 2: 341. 1825 [01-05/1825, fide TL-2, 12698]; Vogel, Gen. Cass. Syn. 54. 1837 [05/08/1837, fide TL-2, 16291]; Vogel, Linnaea, 11(6): 701-702. 1837 [11/1837-02/1838, fide TL-2, 10744]; Bentham, Fl. Bras., 15(2): 157-158, tab. 43, fig. 1. 1870 [01/12/1870, fide TL-2, 518, p. 337]; Bentham, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 27: 568-569. 1871.
Homonymie : non Cassia uniflora Mill. 1768 [≡ Senna uniflora (Mill.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby 1982] (Mexique, Campeche)!
Statut biogéographique : Espèce signalée de Guyane française par Bentham (Fl. Bras., 15(2): 157-158. 01/12/1870, fide TL-2, 518, p. 337), et uniquement sur la base de la synonymisation de Cassia persoonii Collad. 1816 (type de Cayenne) sous Cassia uniflora Spreng. 1820.
Taxonomie : D'après Irwin & Barneby (Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 35(1): 59. 27/12/1982): "The short protologue is indecisive but the species was redescribed in greater detail by Vogel (Linnaea 9[11!]: 701), who dissented from Sprengel's reduction (Syst. Veg. 2: 341. 1825) of his own species to C. gracilis Kunth. Bentham (1870, p. 157, tab. 43, fig. I: 1871, p. 568) revived the name for a variety of small-leaved plants intermediate between our Chamaecrista ramosa (which he considered varietally distinct) and Ch. desvauxii. The measurements taken by Vogel, apparently from an authentic specimen (now lost) in the Berlin herbarium, suggest either small leaved Ch. desvauxii var. langsdorfii or Ch. ramosa var. erythrocalyx. Vogel distinguished his own Cassia langsdorfii from C. uniflora Spreng. primarily by its ciliate leaflets and simple erect, not branched stems, a contrast which would be apt if he had var. erythrocalyx in view. In absence of a specimen the identity of C. uniflora is an inscrutable puzzle, but as the name is a posterior homonym of C. uniflora P. Mill, it has no importance."
Type : "Hab. in Brasilia." [protologue].
Brésil, s. loc., anonyme (HT?: B [détruit]).


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