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Euphorbia tommasiniana Bertol., 1842


Distribution : Endemic to the karst of north-eastern Italy around Trieste and Gorizia, in particular reported from Monte Spaccato, Monte Sabotino, Monte Lanaro and Monte Majo, Italy (Bertoloni, 1842; Geltman 1998a; H. Reichert, pers. comm., Martini, unpublished). Due to the proximity of the border, occurrences in Slovenia and Croatia cannot be excluded.
     Références : Heimer & Frajman (2023)
Lectotype : ‘A luoghi sassosi e saxatili di poco erba dei monti calcarei di Trieste, principalemente nei contorni del villagio detto Bane’. 1837 M. Tommasini (BOLO BOLOHSFI104100, photograph!), lectotype, designated here
     Références : Heimer & Frajman (2023)
Statut biogéographique : Cité en France par erreur par confusion avec E. saratoi (J.M. Tison, com. pers.)


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