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Rudgea itoupensis O.Lachenaud, 2022


Date de publication : Phytotaxa, 531(3): 166-167, fig. 4, 6. 2022 [21/01/2022].
Distribution : Connue seulement du type provenant des forêts submontagnardes (c. 750 m) du mont Itoupé.
Taxonomie : D'après Lachenaud et al. (Phytotaxa, 531(3): 166-167. 21/01/2022): "This species is very close to Rudgea glomerulata, described above, from which it differs by the shorter and relatively much broader bracts, not exceeding the calyces, and a shorter corolla tube; both species are apparently endemic to French Guiana, but have different ranges and habitats (Table 2). They share dense and more or less pendulous inflorescences with deeply laciniate bracts, narrowly elliptic leaves with a sparsely hairy lower surface, a well-developed calyx tube, and a bipartite disk, while all other Rudgea species in the Guianas (and, as far as we know, elsewhere) have an entire disk.
The only collection seen includes both long- and short-styled flowers (the latter with the corollas fallen off and only the style remaining) that are on separate branches, which were presumably collected from different individuals."
Type : Guyane française, sommet Tabulaire [Mount Itoupé], zone sud, 22/08/1980, fleurs, J.-J. de Granville 3550 (HT: CAY077712; IT: CAY077713).


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