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Fomitiporia castilloi Decock & Amalfi, 2013


Etymologie : "‘‘castilloi’’, dedicated to Dr Gabriel Castillo, University of Lie`ge, Belgium, for his constant support and invaluable companionship in many collecting trips in French Guyana or elsewhere over the past 20 y."
Habitat : "growing on a dead, decayed trunk of an unidentified angiosperm, in the lowland rainforest of French Guyana."
Holotype : "FRENCH GUYANA, MUNICIPALITY OF REGINA: Nouragues Natural Reserve, CNRS inselberg research plots, ‘‘Petit Plateau’’, layon (track) 22, between F & G, approx 04u05.59N, 52u40.69W, 120 m, on a dead standing trunk, broken at about 1.8 m high, deeply rotten and eaten by insects, hollowed, unidentified angiosperm, 06 Aug 2010, C. Decock, FG10-282 (MUCL 53481; Isotype at NY, culture exholotype MUCL 53481, CBS)."


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