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Graphis vandenboomiana Ertz, Lücking & Van den Broeck, 2014

accepté comme Allographa vandenboomiana (Ertz, Lücking & Van den Broeck) Lücking & Kalb, 2018


Ecologie : "Known only from the type location. The species grows on rock."
Etymologie : "This new species is named in honour of the Dutch lichenologist Pieter van den Boom, in recognition of his contribution to the lichen flora of Reunion (Van den Boom et al. 2011)."
Holotype : "REUNION. Cilaos: Close to the parking of the biological reserve of Matarum; 21°07'23"S, 55°28'53"E, 1400 m; on a large boulder at the edge of a stream; 23 Jun 2003, Ertz 4479 (holotype BR!)."


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