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Hyphopichia buzzinii L.R.Ribeiro, A.R.O.Santos, N.Jacques, Grondin, Casareg., C.A.Lara, Lachance & C.A.Rosa, 2017


Etymologie : "The specific epithet buzzinii (buz.zi0 ni.i N.L. gen. n. buzzinii, pertaining to Buzzini) refers to Pietro Buzzini, in recognition of his contributions to the study of biotechnology, ecology and taxonomy of yeasts."
Holotype : "Holotype: CLIB 1739T ; isotypes: CBS 14300T - = UFMG-CM-Y6121T , all are permanently preserved in a metabolically inactive state. The type culture was isolated from a berry of a Clidemia sp. plant in the Malokoıˆ trail of the town Cacao in French Guiana"


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