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Rhamphoriopsis muriformis Réblová & Gardiennet, 2018


Etymologie : "muriformis (Latin), referring to ascospores with transverse and longitudinal septa."
Holotype : "FRANCE. BOURGOGNE-FRANCHECOMTÉ: Côte d´Or, Gevrey Chambertin, Combe Lavaux-Jean Roland National Reserve, Combe Chaudron, on decaying wood of a twig of Buxus sempervivens, associated with sporulating Phaeoisaria-like conidiophores, 8 May 2011, A. Gardiennet A.G. 11099 (holotype PRA13609). Ex-type culture CBS 131269. GenBank: 28S = MG600396; 18S = MG600404; RPB2 = MG600400."


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