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Pleurothallis fimbriata Lindl., 1859

accepté comme Acianthera miqueliana (H.Focke) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, 2001


Date de publication : Fol. Orchid., 9(Pleurothallis): 17. 1859 [05/1859, fide TL-2, 4658].
Type : "93. P[leurothallis] fimbriata; folio lineari-lanceolato caule angulato basi vaginato breviore, sepalo dorsali lineari lateralibus subcohaerentibus semiovatis longiore, petalis serratis, labelli trilobi cordati lobis lateralibus nanis rotundatis intermedio oblongo denticulato in discum aphthoso, androclinio fimbriato - Brazil, Spruce (Panure, Caatingas, creeping on trees, 2459), h. s. sp. - "Fresh leaf 11/4'' x 1/2'', keeled, with a reflexed margin. Flowers brownish purple." The long linear dorsal sepal, and deeply fringed antherbed are very remarkable." [protologue].
Brésil, Amazonas, Rio Uaupès, pr. Panurè, Caatingas, creeping on trees, 10/1852-01/1853, fleurs, R. Spruce 2459 (HT: K [ex hb. Lindl.; copie du dessin de Lindl. & fragments: BR0000006585297 ex hb. Cogn.]; IT: AMES00074252, BR0000006585952 [ex hb. Mart.], K000584061 [ex hb. Benth. & ex hb. Hook.; sur Global plants], P00485700).


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