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Aegiphila vitelliniflora Klotzsch ex Walp., 1845


Date de publication : Repert. Bot. Syst. 4: 123. 1845.
Type : "Distigma vitelliniflorum Klotzsch mss. - Crescit......? (v. s. c.)" [protologue].
Origine inconnue [Brésil], cultivé au Jardin Botanique de Berlin entre 1831 et 1839 au  moins, 09/1839, Lystler s.n. (HT: B [détruit; photo: PH, S]; IT: B [détruit]).
Brésil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, cacao plantation, 31/05/1979, fruits, L.A. Mattos-Silva 407 (NT: CEPEC [désigné par França & Giuletti, Neodiversity 6: 12. 2012]; INT: LL).
D'après Moldenke (1934): "The type collection of this common southern species consists of two sheets apparently collected in September, 1839, by Dr. Lystler from a plant then in cultivation at the botanical garden in Berlin and which are deposited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in that city. The original habitat of the plant from which this collection was made was apparently unknown to Walpem, who first published the species and who accredited it to an unpublished manuscript of Klotzsch and who says "Crescit . . . ?" However, on two other sheets in the herbarium at Berlin and apparently from the same cultivated plant, but collected in June, 1831, we find the word "Brasilia." Only one of these 4 extremely similar sheets bears the name "Distigma vitelliniflarum" and a small drawing, and this sheet is here regarded as the actual type of the species."
D'après Hayek (1909) et Moldenke (1934) la collecte Warming s.n. (e.g. P03598825) est un Aegiphila vitelliniflora Klotzsch ex Walp. 1845.


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