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Inga jenmanii Sandwith, 1931


Source de la synonymie
Pennington, T. D. 1997. The genus Inga: botany. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 844 pp. [CD_REF = 1036378] Inga sertulifera subsp. leptopus (Benth.) T.D.Penn., 1997
Source de la synonymie (de Inga sertulifera var. minor Benth., 1845)
Pennington, T. D. 1997. The genus Inga: botany. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 844 pp. [CD_REF = 1036378] Inga sertulifera subsp. leptopus (Benth.) T.D.Penn., 1997
Taxonomie : D'après Poncy (in Barneby et al. 2011): "In the present taxonomic delimitation (see note below) known only from the Guianas; dense rainforest, sciophilous (GU: 17; SU: 2; FG: 11). [...] Note: Inga jenmanii has previously been considered a synonym of I. sertulifera (Poncy, 1985), and was later included in I. sertulifera subsp. leptopus T.D.Penn. (Pennington 1997). Recent collections mainly from French Guiana, often with bifoliate leaves, support the status of I. jenmanii as a distinct species; the species inhabits non-flooded rainforests, eventually at top of hills, while I. sertulifera is essentially a riverine, strictly heliophilous species."


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