A new species for the fauna of France, Barynotus mainardii mainardii F. Solari, 1943, was discovered in the Alpes-Maritimes, new data on the distribution of Barynotus Germar from France is detailed and an identification key is proposed. Remarks on the distinctive characters of the species are discussed.
A new species for the fauna of France, Barynotus mainardii mainardii F. Solari, 1943, was discovered in the Alpes-Maritimes, new data on the distribution of Barynotus Germar from France is detailed and an identification key is proposed. Remarks on the distinctive characters of the species are discussed.
Delbol, M. & Perez, C. 2020. <em>Barynotus </em>(<em>Barynotus</em>) <em>mainardii mainardii </em>F. Solari, espèce nouvelle pour la faune de France et notes sur le genre <em>Barynotus </em>Germar, 1817 (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Geonemini). <em>Belgian Journal of Entomology</em>, 94: 1-31.