| - Taylor, J.W. 1906-1914. <em>Monograph of the land & freshwater Mollusca of the British Isles. Zonitidae. Endodontidae. Helicidae, Part 12: 1-16 (15-VI-1906); part 13/14: 17-64, pl. 1, 3-5 (16-II-1907); part 15: 65-144, pl. 2, 7-10 (3-X-1908); part 16: 145-224, pl. 6, 11-14 (30-IX-1909); part 17: 225-304, pl. 16-18, 20-22 (9-VII-1910); part 18: 305-368, pl. 23-25, 27, 29 (17-VI-1911); part 19: 369-416, pl. 15, 30-32 (16-II-1912); part 20: 417-480, pl. 26, 33-35 (14-III-1914); part 21: 481-498, i-viii, pl. 19, 28 (20-XII-1914)</em>. Leeds (Taylor Brothers).