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Meiomeria Standl., 1916

accepté comme Dysphania R.Br., 1810


Taxonomie : Standley (1916) described a new genus Meiomeria for it, which was generally accepted since Scott(1978a) transferred it back to Chenopodium as the monotypic C. sect.Meiomeria. When transferred to Dysphania Mosyakin & Clemants (2008) did not place it in any section
     Références : Uotila et al. (2021)
Type :  Type: M. stellata (S.Watson) Standl. (Chenopodium stellatum S.Watson, Dysphania stellata (S.Watson) Mosyakin & Clemants).

     Références : Fuentes-bazan et al. (2012)


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